Internship Opportunities with NYC H20

NYC H2O is a non-profit 502(c)(3) organization that offers educational programs about NYC's water and ecology. NYC H20 is seeking New School students to apply to become interns for the 2017-2018 school year.

Field Guide

Field Guides will lead Water Ecology & Engineering Field Trips for grades 2-12 at 8 sites in the five boroughs. The sites are the Central Park Reservoir, Ridgewood Reservoir in Brooklyn, Jerome Park Reservoir in the Bronx, Silver Lake & Lemon Creek in Staten Island and the High Bridge. Training will be provided. We can also provide transportation in many cases.

Each class of up to 34 students is assigned 2 Field Guides; a lead and a support. The intern would begin in the support role and if interested can progress into the lead role.

Tours last 1.5 - 2 hours and take place from 10:30am - 12:30pm generally. (This does not include travel time.)

Photo documentation of field trips and posting to NYC H2O's social media.

Organizational Intern

The Organizational Intern will help with the following:

  • Creation of video and photo documentation of our school field trips to New York City’s reservoirs and wetlands so as to help with development and outreach

  • Research foundations who can support H2O’s work, and help with grant development

  • Outreach to local elected officials, including inviting them to observe and participate in field trips and programs. This will help develop our relationship especially with City Council members whose support we need in securing municipal funding.

  • Attendance at green conferences in representing H2O. NYC is a center for green organizations and there are often several conferences each week.

 To apply, send a resume and cover letter to