[Re-Post] Climate Emergency Teach-In

Monday, March 2, 2020
11:00 AM – 3:00 PM
Klein Conference Room #510

66 West 12th Street


This post was originally published on https://www.milanoschool.org/climate-teach-in/

The Earth is facing a climate emergency. Globally, seas are rising, coastlines are eroding, weather patterns are changing, floods, droughts, and forest fires are increasing, and species extinction is rising exponentially. The climate crisis and the threat it poses to life on Earth and frontline communities are among the foremost challenges of our times. As an institution of higher education, it is essential that The New School equip students and faculty with the knowledge, skills, and capability to respond to the challenges ahead. Moreover, as an institution committed to public engagement for social justice and sustainability, it is imperative that The New School develop a comprehensive plan to address the emergency and advance climate justice. Therefore, The Milano Whole Earth Task Force, made up of students, faculty and staff, invites The New School community to a climate emergency teach-in. The aim is to raise awareness, build community momentum and open a space to share ideas and proposals concerning the climate emergency and what The New School can do to further climate-related education and actions. 

With collaboration and support from the Tishman Environment and Design Center, the Milano Whole Earth Task Force will lead various modules that will allow participants to examine the climate emergency, its root causes, and pathways for change. These modules will focus on topics like climate justice, intersectionality, race, inequality and frontline communities, the role of universities in education and public engagement, the role of organization, management and political mobilization for cultural, policy and social change, and the practice of nonviolent direct action. We hope that this event will inspire The New School community to develop and explore alternative pathways. 

Throughout the teach-in we will create a space for discussion on the climate crisis and reflect on the steps The New School and its community should take to respond to and act for climate justice. We hope to begin and continue conversations to address the following questions: 

  • What should The New School do to address the Climate Emergency?

  • How must The New School change in the face of this Climate Emergency?

  • What can The New School do to challenge the root causes of the crisis? 

  • How ought The New School work to enable more just and sustainable futures?  

  • How can The New School support frontline communities?

  • What ideas and proposals should be considered for a potential plan to address the climate emergency? 

Come for the entire teach-in or for individual sessions. Light snacks and refreshments will be available. 


11:00 AM | Module 1: Planetary Emergency: The Urgency of Change for Just Sustainabilities
11:30 AM | Module 2: 
Root Shock and Culture Shift: Crisis and Response
12:00 PM | Module 3: 
Social Movements and Policy Change: Environmental and Climate Justice
12:30 PM | Module 4: 
Education and Teaching for Change in Times of Planetary Emergency
1:00 PM | Module 5:
Management and Public Engagement for Change in Times of Crisis
1:30 PM | Module 6: 
Direct Nonviolent Action in the Face of Climate Policy Deadlock: Social Mobilization Paths to Climate Justice
2:30-3:00 PM | Wrap-up Discussion: 
Formulating a Collective Response to the Planetary/Climate Emergency: Contributions for a Comprehensive Plan of Action at The New School.


A Whole Earth Climate Justice Curriculum/Syllabus for Systemic Change (coming soon)