Posts tagged books
Tishman Center 2021 Book List

Since our last book list, the world has changed quite a bit. While we have many new challenges stemming from the pandemic and many other developments, a lot of the work that needed to be done last year has not gone away. During Earth Week 2021, we want to share some works to help understand the world we are living in and a more just world that we want to see. There are also some New School links to some of these books, showing the work that our community is doing towards justice and equity.

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Tishman Center 2020 Book List

The beginning of a new decade is a perfect time for some lists of “best” films/ books/ places-to-go-to in the New Year. So, the Tishman Center decided to put together our own list of books published in the past decade that we think are essential in understanding the how’s and why’s of climate change and the systemic injustices that underline it. This list is by no means extensive but contains some of our team’s favorite titles as well as books we look forward to diving into in 2020.

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