Learn How to Support The New School Food Pantry

Did you know that The New School has a food pantry for those who are experiencing financial insecurity?  It is a free service open to all students across all schools and programs. As an emergency food program, they are also able to connect students to other resources. Here is a breakdown of the pantry's activities last semester, and how you can help this semester:


We are excited to share that the Food Pantry is reaching a lot of students! We had 473 visits last semester from 152 unique students in the Fall 2017 semester (compared to 269 visits by 116 unique students during Fall 2016). We were able to do so through many donations and the help of generous volunteers. Thank you to all who gave us a helping hand!


The fall was very busy and we are anticipating an equally busy spring semester. If you are already trained as a distribution volunteer and have availability this semester, please consider signing up for a shift, or even part of one. We need multiple people to help at each shift. You can sign up here.

If you are interested in volunteering at distributions or know someone who is, the next trainings are scheduled for:

Tuesday, February 27, 4-5pm

Friday, March 9, 1-2pm

Both trainings will take place at the food pantry, located at 6 East 16th Street, 12th floor cafe. If you’d like to attend a training please RSVP by email to foodpantry@newschool.edu. Please note that this training is specifically for those who’d like to volunteer at pantry distributions. If you cannot make it during distribution hours, but are interested in contributing to the pantry, other ways to help are listed below!


New School Food Pantry Schedule Spring 2018

All hands on deck

We are always in need of assistance in unpacking and labeling when food deliveries come in. This semester, all deliveries will come on Thursdays and will be unpacked between 10am and 2pm. If you are generally available during those times, and would like to be notified when a delivery comes in, please email foodpantry@newschool.edu to be added to the list.

Adopt a month

The food pantry is up for adoption in March, April, & May. Thank you to the New School Libraries and Academic Advising and Career Development, who are adopting January and February. Adopting the pantry entails supporting the pantry in some way during your adoption month - whether through a donation drive, fundraising, or something unique that your group or department can contribute. If you think you may be interested, check out our Adoption Guide for tips and more information.

Satellite pantry program

This semester we will be piloting a satellite pantry program with the help of the University Student Senate. Look out for another email with more information coming soon!